Start living a life of energy, thriving health and joy!
Reset Your Hormones

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Your Body Is Sending You a Message!
Do you ever feel trapped in your own body because each day is a struggle with pain, fatigue, and digestive problems?
Are you tired of going to the doctor and getting handed a band-aid pill that doesn’t get to WHY you feel so bad?
Have you gotten the usual round of tests only to be told everything looks “fine,” but you KNOW something’s not right?
You may be struggling with hormone imbalance!
Your hormones play a bigger role in your health and wellbeing than just PMS and menopause! In fact, when your hormones get out of alignment, they can be responsible for a long list of chronic symptoms and health problems.

Signs of hormone imbalance include:
- Exhaustion – you find yourself nodding off at your desk or too tired to get up from the couch.
- Insomnia or restless sleep – no matter how tired you are through the day, at night, you struggle to enjoy restful, decent sleep.
- Frequent digestive problems, including bloating and constipation.
- Anxiety and irritability – you find yourself snapping at people for no reason and sometimes you feel so jittery and nervous you can barely sit still.
- Difficulty concentrating and memory problems – you struggle to focus even on simple tasks and find yourself forgetting important information and events.
- Chronic joint pain.
- Unexplained weight gain – you’re dieting and exercising and you’re continuing to put on weight.
- Irregular or heavy periods and/or severe cramping – you may have even been diagnosed with PCOS or endometriosis.
- Dry, brittle hair and nails.
These are all signs of serious hormone imbalance!
Recovery IS Possible
Right now, your hormones are out of balance as a response to the onslaught of toxins your body constantly faces, coupled with a lack of nutrition and nourishment it needs to function at its best. You have to address the cause of the problem and fix it.
The good news is that the key to hormone health is within you!
Your body has the amazing power to restore itself once you remove the harmful factors and give your body what it needs! I’m talking about using food to cleanse and nourish your body and restore your health and hormone balance!
With my holistic health coaching, you’ll get the knowledge you need, and more importantly the support and accountability you need to make sustainable, lifelong shifts that will allow you to exchange chronic symptoms for thriving health!
Just imagine how your life could be:
- Wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day!
- Lose the extra weight and keep it off without dieting!
- Enjoy comfortable digestion without the bloating!
- Look in the mirror and see youthful, healthy skin and glossy hair!
- Not be held back due to “that time of the month!”
- Experience calm and peace!
- Enjoy mental clarity and sharpness!
- Feel confident, healthy, and just like yourself again!

Ways we can work together

1:1 Coaching

Online programs

GROUP Coaching
Start living a life of balance, joy and energy.

Make the right choices for your life without feeling deprived or tired.
Sugar transforms into clingy pounds, mood swings, acne and other symptoms you probably never thought were related to you eating that cookie or candy bar.
The KICK YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS TO THE CURB GUIDE will help you make the right choices for your life without feeling deprived or tired. Find TRUE, NATURAL energy!
Sign up below and grab your FREE digital copy of my brand new eGuide: KICK YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS TO THE CURB.

Meet the Nurse Coach
As a functional nutritionist specializing in hormone balance, I am passionate about helping individuals achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition and lifestyle interventions. I understand the intricate relationship between nutrition, hormonal health, and overall wellness. I work with clients to identify underlying imbalances and create tailored plans to support hormone balance, which can impact everything from mood to metabolism.You may be thinking, “Why hormone health?”
Because while now I’m healthy and thriving, I haven’t always been. In my early 40’s I struggled with alcohol addiction. Two years into my recovery journey I was still not feeling as optimal and balanced as I thought I should be – I was suffering from fatigue, night sweats, occasional insomnia, exercise intolerance, and an inability to cope with stress. I lacked inner peace. At the time I received a simple blood test from my family doctor that revealed that my hormones were out of balance. My testosterone levels were non-existent, and my cortisol was dysregulated.
My family doctor was not concerned that my testosterone levels were below base level, but I was curious and took it upon myself to find the root cause of my troubles and learn how to correct my hormone balance.
Knowing how harmful alcohol can be on the body I was shocked to learn I was still harming my body in ways that were still almost as harmful. I was also shocked to discover that in many ways my body was reacting as though I was still in active addiction, even though it had been years since I had a drink. I was over exercising, over-eating non-nourishing food, and under-eating nutritious meals – essentially starving my body of essential nutrients. And not getting the good fats needed for hormone synthesis and the essential nutrients necessary to support my liver in detoxifying my body. On top of all that I had a minor sugar addiction – which I would further learn contributed to my nutrient depletion.
It was time to make a change.
I immersed myself deeper into functional nutrition and discovered how to naturally balance my hormones through proper diet and exercise. I broke my sugar addiction and started exercising in ways that would not harm my adrenals and within weeks, I discovered an amazing transformation!
I had more energy, my joints didn’t hurt, I was sleeping through the night, and I found my inner peace!
Even the belly fat I had developed was coming off and I wasn’t even trying to lose weight. Something amazing was happening, and I wanted to share it with other women who were going through the same struggles I experienced. This is what led me to become a certified functional medicine nutrition counselor and nurse coach!